Real Estate Vendor Publishing System   
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Here is what you need to do to provide your services to our clients
Company Profile – Step 1
  1. Login to TAZANET.com, at the top of the screen is the main menu; Select "Profile"
  2. Select and complete the three tabs in your profile. General, Details and Marketing
  3. Don’t forget to press Save when completed
Work Categories – Step 2
  1. Login to TAZANET.com, at the top of the screen is the main menu. Select "Work Categories"
  2. Choose your category from dropdown
  3. Press "Add Work Category"
Documents - Step 3
  1. Prepare your documents for upload by scanning or faxing them to yourself. Save the files to your computer/desktop.
  2. Login to TAZANET.com, at the top of the screen is the main menu. Select "Documents"
  3. Press "Select" and browse your desktop for the file
  4. Choose the associated file type from the dropdown list
  5. Press "Upload"
Marketing Territory – Step 4
  1. Login to TAZANET.com, at the top of the screen is the main menu, Select "Territory"
  2. Select "Add New Zip", located in the upper left of the Territory screen
  3. Enter in your zip codes that you service. You can enter one at a time and press Save or you can enter multiple by following the example provided
Preview your Advertisement – Step 5
  1. Login to TAZANET.com, at the top of the screen is the main menu, Select "Preview Ad"

Advertise with TAZA and boost your website traffic and sales. With TAZANET you can market directly to the active real estate professionals in your area
  • Create your ads and which zip codes will be targeted
  • Your ads appear on TAZAHOMES, TAZAREO, TAZA360 and TAZAVILLE and other Taza Systems portals
  • You attract customers, people simply click your ad to go to your website or click on the contact us button

Copyright 2010 © TAZANET. All rights reserved | A TAZA Corp. Division,  La Jolla, CA 92037 | More Information | Taza Corp | Demo Request